Hinata is from Ibaragi, a prefecture neighboring Tokyo. She is 24 years old and works at a well established brothel in Akasaka, Tokyo. Hinata has never been on video or any other type of media before so this is a debut shoot for another starlet for SMJ.With well-defined features, milky white skin, long legs, and nice hormonal breasts, Ninata looks just like a typical pretty Japanese girl next door. Nobody will be able to clock her on the street.Hinata used to be the singer of a Visual Kei Rock band. Naturally singing is now also her favorite pastime. She is also a fan of horror movies especially all the SAW films. Apparently she is a highly skilled badminton player having been trained at a badminton club during her high school years.Hinata has never travelled outside of Japan before. She looks forward to going to Europe especially France one day. She is into older men who have lots of interesting things to say.